Thanks for “hanging out” with me! Since we’re getting to know each other, there are a few things you should know! I’m a nurse, a wife, a mama, a rebel, a nerd and an athlete. I’m Stanford educated with a slight rebellious streak and a penchant for sarcasm. I love teaching people how to become their own advocate and I hate a bully in any form! Learn more about me and how Unconventional RN started below.
noun (1) not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed. Being out of the ordinary.
I don’t think anyone would accuse me of being conventional. Nerdy? Yes! Tough? Absolutely! Hard-headed? Yep. Conformist? Nope. And so it goes that at four years old I announced to the world (well, mostly my mom) that I was going to be a doctor… But after years of shadowing physicians and being an overachiever, I experienced something called post-high-school-burnout (PHSB for short). My brain needed a break, so I did the only logical thing a valedictorian can do… I moved to Southern California and became a surf bum.
But medicine kept calling my name. It was only after a devastating family tragedy that I finally realized there were two ways to practice medicine: as a doctor or as a nurse. You see, it was a nurse who called me after my grandfather had been stabilized in the ICU. It was a nurse who called me from the operating room and put the phone to my grandfather’s ear so he could hear my voice. It was the nurse who called me when he was out of surgery and in the PACU. And it was a nurse who called me when it was time to say goodbye.
I chose to become one of them. I've spent the last seventeen years working in emergency departments, on the side of mountains and in private practices advocating, educating and caring for patients. Unconventional RN is a combination of all the things I’m passionate about: education, advocacy and empowering patients and healthcare professionals. Teaching nurses how to find confidence, stand up for themselves, and reminding them that it’s okay to take care of themselves too. Nothing brings me more fulfillment than helping people on their worst day or their best, but helping healers comes pretty close. Except when they beat me up - but I’ll save that story for another day!
Outside of the hospital, I am obsessed with traveling. So I’m a pro at traveling with kids and by pro I mean it’s all good until one of them projectile vomits! I love music and playing my guitar (I used to be in a band). When I’m not landlocked, I love surfing long breaks. And the ski patroller in me believes there are no friends on powder days! If you’re still reading this, and I haven’t scared you away yet, RAD! I knew you were unconventional too! Have a look around at what I do, and I hope we get to work together soon!