Module 1
Module 1
Hip Anatomy
Have you ever walked out of the doctor’s office with more questions than you went in with? Do you ever find yourself getting overwhelmed every time you hear anatomical terms? “The (fill in the blank) is in the wrong position?” Huh??? If you’ve ever felt frustrated or like you don’t even know where to begin; start here and let us teach you about hip anatomy.
Learn why understanding anatomy is important.
Finally understand the basic anatomy of the hip.
Understand the different anatomical ways hip dysplasia affects the hip.
*This module forms the foundation of the entire course.
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Module 2
Module 2
What is Hip Dysplasia?
You’ve heard the words “hip dysplasia” and done countless Google searches. There’s a lot of information out there, and you’ve been down the rabbit hole. Now that you have an idea about what this diagnosis is, let us help you dive deeper so you can start asking the right questions.
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Module 3
Module 3
Risk Factors
You’ve heard about risk factors but what are they? Does having risk factors mean you’ll get hip dysplasia? Help put your mind at rest as we answer these questions and review the following:
How common is hip dysplasia?
What are the risk factors?
What happens if you do/don’t have any risk factors?
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Module 4
Module 4
Signs and Symptoms
Ever ask yourself, “What does hip dysplasia look like?”. In this module we will explore the things you might have noticed with your child or in yourself. In this module topics include:
What signs and symptoms are
The signs and symptoms of hip dysplasia
How hip dysplasia is diagnosed
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Module 5
Module 5
Now that you have a deeper understanding of hip anatomy, what hip dysplasia is, risk factors, and signs and symptoms; it’s time to start talking about treatments. In this module we will review:
The different types of treatments for hip dysplasia
Bracing and casting types
Why treatment timelines are so important
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Module 6
Module 6
By now you know that every patient is different, and so is their recovery. Now that we’ve explored potential treatment options, it’s time to start thinking about the recovery process. In this module we talk about:
Potential challenges
Avascular necrosis
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Module 7
Module 7
Tips and Tricks
Learning how to care for your child in a DDH harness, brace, or cast has a definite learning curve. Let us help by teaching you specific tips and tricks for each apparatus. We don’t leave anything out - you’ll learn about diaper changes, clothing, cast/brace care, carseats, and more. We get specific on each of the following:
The Abduction brace
The Spica cast
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Module 8
Module 8
Follow Up Care
After treatment and the recovery process has started, follow up care begins. While we recognize that treatment plans are unique to each patient, in this module we start talking about what follow up plans can look like. Topics include:
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Enjoy These Extras:
We want you to get the most out of this course! From our HD101 Workbook to worksheets, checklists and more; we’ve included some incredible bonuses carefully and thoughtfully created with parents and patients in mind. Bonuses include:
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